Avoid lost, stolen or compromised mobile devices

As the most comprehensive device history check available, CheckMEND protects your reputation and profits.

Device-led data specialists

Every time you encounter consumer electronics you are at risk of theft or fraud. Identifying and avoiding those risks are key issues for many organizations including; recyclers, insurers, service providers, retailers, logistics and finance companies, repair shops, warranty providers, and law enforcement.

CheckMEND is answering these questions

  • “Could this device be in the wrong hands?”
  • “Am I am going to be subject to fraud, or handle stolen goods?”
  • “Could I overpay for this device?”

CheckMEND answers these questions for phones, laptops, tablets, GPS, games consoles and all manner of serial numbered devices.


1 in 20 smartphones found to be in the wrong possession

Source: Recipero Data 2014

Unrivalled data sources

CheckMEND provides unrivalled access to the world’s most comprehensive database of loss and theft reports, insurance claims and other records affecting legal title of devices.

  • Mobile devices are a massive part of the consumer electronics space so we check IMEI loss and theft reports from over 95 network operators globally. CDMA devices remain a large part of the US market so we check CDMA ESNs at the same time.
  • We check police crime reports from law enforcement agencies in the USA and the UK.
  • Insurers retain title to devices when they settle a claim, and lease purchase and network operator contracts also impact legal title so we check those as well.

Working with CheckMEND, we have further enhanced our process, and we are already reaping the benefits of the service in our stores and our state of the art refurbishment center.

Joe Gorman, Vice President of Mobile at GameStop

Benefits of use

  • Avoid paying for a device that the seller may not have legal title to.
  • Do not be a target for thieves and criminals intent on defrauding your business.
  • Unique pro-active alerts if the device status changes after check.
  • Unique certificates provide verifiable, counterfeit-proof evidence of check results.
  • Simple to use applications that support bulk checks.
  • Easy API integration with websites, point of sale, warehouse, claims management and other back-office systems.
  • Your data is safe and secure. Our internationally recognized security accreditations, police systems integration and widespread use by government and law enforcement are unique in this market.


CheckMEND Product Sheet

Please use the link below to download a PDF with information about the CheckMEND solution.

Due diligence


Would you have a credible defense if you had not checked all available data?

CheckMEND is the most comprehensive service of its kind, removing the need to check with multiple providers of subsets of our data.

Status change monitoring flags

Status change monitoring

For many users who are handling large volumes in a fast-moving environment the status of a device as shown by CheckMEND can change during the period they hold it. This is especially the case if a theft takes time to report to police or a carrier is slow in effecting a service block.

So we have introduced a supplemental service to CheckMEND which indicates when the status of a device that has previously been shown as “green” turns “red”. This is especially valuable to recyclers and reverse logistics providers so they can:

  • Potentially recover cash paid for devices;
  • Avoid spending time on refurbishment or repair of compromised devices; and
  • Not sell these compromised devices on to third parties for whom they may not work.

Integration Partners

CheckMEND integration partners provide services or systems that know how to speak to CheckMEND for high volume applications.

For more information about the becoming an integration partner please go to: CheckMEND integration partners

Getting started

Getting Started

Whether you are checking one device a month or tens of thousands per day there is a cost effective plan for you.

Low volume traders, try now without a commitment at:

Looking for API integration for high volume/high availabitily scenarios? Please contact us, whatever your requirements we help and ensure a raid return on your investment.

General Enquiries:


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